Isolate your subject
Use chroma, luma or difference keys to separate your subject from the solid color background. Rotoscoping, which isolates an object from its background, will clean up more difficult clips.
Combine layers
Add backgrounds or other isolated footage to create your composite shot. Flexible controls allow you to combine multiple subjects in the same composite.
Apply lighting and color effects
Adjust color and exposure and add keylights to create a seamless composition. Advanced green screen tools let you create natural-looking footage for your project.
Save and export
Export your work in a convenient format or share with another Creative Cloud app through Adobe Dynamic Link.
VR environment
Work natively in a VR 3D environment. Edit, apply video effects, and create composites in immersive 360 projects.
Adobe Stock video integration
Search and license stock footage for your composites and animations with easy access to millions of images and clips.