We value your privacy and trust.
The Adobe Privacy Centre makes it easy to find
information on privacy topics, including your choices about how we
collect and use your information.
We value your privacy and trust.
The Adobe Privacy Centre makes it easy to find
information on privacy topics, including your choices about how we
collect and use your information.

What does Adobe do with your personal information?
Learn more about how Adobe uses your information as you use Adobe apps and visit Adobe websites:
What do Adobe’s business customers do with your information?
Learn more about how Adobe’s business customers use Adobe solutions to personalise and improve the performance of their websites, apps and marketing messages and to securely manage digital documents:
- Data collection in Adobe Experience Cloud
- Data collection in Adobe Electronic Signature Services
- Data collection in Reader Mobile SDK
- Data collection in Adobe Experience Cloud Device Co-op
- Your privacy choices
- Privacy Shield/European data transfers

Questions? Contact us.