46 congratulations on your engagement ideas for when they put a ring on it.



Weddings and engagements are often one of the biggest milestones (and parties) in life. So, it’s only right you celebrate each one to the maximum.

If someone you know and care about has recently become engaged, you’ll probably want to shout “congratulations on your engagement” from the roof tops. However, the most practical way to congratulate the happy couple is to send them a personalised message – especially if you want to stay on the right side of your neighbours and avoid a noise complaint.

Adobe Express makes it easy to design and create the perfect engagement card. Why not take a look at some of our tips and card templates that you and the happy couple will enjoy?

What to include in an engagement card.

Engagement cards are a traditional way of congratulating a couple on their new, exciting journey together. You know the drill – just pop one in the post for a simple but effective way of saying congrats. If you want an extra-special card for this extra-special event, creating your own card can add a touch of thoughtfulness.

However you want to present your congratulations on your engagement card, remember to include the following:

Free engagement card and message ideas.

12 short and simple congratulations messages to celebrate an engagement.

Engagements are a great opportunity to share some kind and wonderful words with the happy couple. Most importantly, there’s a chance to congratulate them on their engagement in your message.

We’ve put together a selection of snappy messages that you can use in your card. Feel free to mix and match, edit and tweak for your card.

10 witty engagement puns and messages to say congratulations.

If you’re looking for a memorable message to include in your card, a witty pun can make you stand out. Also, depending on your relationship with the engaged couple, you might prefer to include a joke. We’ve put together some of the best jokes to include in your engagement card.

24 congratulations on your engagement wishes for different relations.

One way to add some extra personalisation to your engagement card is to tweak the message to suit the couple. For example, the card you give to your best friend will probably be different to the card you give to your parent.

We’ve compiled a list of engagement congratulations messages designed for a range of relatives.

Engagement messages for your best friend.

Engagement messages for your sibling.

Engagement messages for a parent.

Engagement messages for your child.

Editable congratulations on your engagement templates.

More ways to say congratulations on your engagement.

Turn your favourite photos with the happy couple into a collage.

One way to celebrate a new engagement is to build a collage of happy photos featuring the couple. This works best if you’ve got a range of photos from their early days up to the modern day. While you probably have some funny photos, it’s best to use ones they’ll both be happy with. After all, this is meant to be a nice gift!

Share the news on your social channels.

Sharing on social media is one of the easiest ways to let people know the big news. You may have heard about the engagement online yourself.

One way to celebrate the happy couple is with a social media post. Especially if it’s your child that’s just got engaged. Before you do, however, you should check they’re both happy for you to share the news online. If they’ve only told a handful of people in person, they may want to wait to share it online themselves.

Check out some of our social media post templates to inspire your own.

Make a TikTok video of their engagement.

One special way to celebrate an engagement is to create a short video and upload it somewhere accessible such as TikTok.

Start by gathering all your videos. This generally works best if you have various videos of the couple, preferably reaching back over a long period.

Now for the fun part! Edit the clips together and use our TikTok templates to add something special.

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Useful things to know.

Should you send an engagement card?

While you’re of course not obliged to send an engagement card when someone you know gets engaged, it can be a nice touch to show you care. The closer you are to someone, whether it’s a friend or a relative, the more the couple might expect a card from you. If it’s someone you haven’t spoken to in 10 years, a nice message on social media will probably suffice.

When do I send an engagement card?

This one is entirely up to you. You can send a card the moment you hear about the engagement from the couple, or you can wait until you next see them and deliver in person. Some couples might host their own engagement party too, which can be the perfect time to give them you card.

Do you congratulate the parents of an engaged couple?

If you’re friends or close to someone whose child is getting married, congratulating the parents is a normal thing to do. Naturally, if you’re speaking to a friend and you discover their child is engaged, you might congratulate them there and then. But there’s no obligation to send a separate card – you can congratulate them however you want to.