Ensure you stand out.
A personalised cover letter can set you apart from the competition. Great cover letters cherry-pick the headline highlights from your CV and support them with more specific examples of your achievements. But you can also use your cover letter designs to help capture the attention of a recruiter or prospective employer. Drag and drop eye-catching icons, use bold fonts for key headings and make your contact details stand out with a dedicated banner. You’ll be working your way up the career ladder in no time.
Easily amend for different roles.
As you move through your job search, you may apply for roles looking for different skillsets – so your cover letter will need to move with you. With the Adobe Express cover letter generator this is simple. You can return to your design at any time to amend and pull forward the most relevant information for each role. As you evolve as a candidate, you can easily amend too. Add new training or relevant experiences to your cover letter in no time.
Align your design across your portfolio.
Adobe Express can ensure you show up looking professional at every touch point. You can replicate your distinctive cover letter design on your CV, business card and even on a presentation if you’re asked to present during your interview. Prove how consistent and thoughtful your approach is with the suite of templates and tools available through Adobe Express.