Digital art portfolio examples.
Looking for some inspiration? These example digital portfolios show what’s possible to achieve with a portfolio website.
Nathalie Lete
Nathalie’s vibrant naturalistic paintings are brought to life on her website.
Smex Art
Alex Weir showcases his bold, vintage inspired work.
Smooth curves, colour pops and minimalist interior design.
Katty Huertas
Painting, illustration and animation blend to capture human emotion.
Jesse Medlin
A black backdrop helps the photos of Jesse’s work stand out.
Rachel Adams
Rachel displays her portrait photography in different sizes and shapes for variation.
Digital art portfolio: FAQs
What should you avoid in an art portfolio?
You should avoid the following mistakes when making an art portfolio:
- Including too many examples.
- Over filling each page. Give the art space to breathe.
- Lack of context or explanation. Always include some annotations.
- Over-explaining each piece with too much writing. Keep the focus on the art.
- Repetitive presentation. Putting every image in the same layout on each page will disengage the viewer.
Do art portfolios need a theme?
There is no requirement to follow a theme in your art portfolio. In fact, if you want to display the breadth of your artistic ability, sticking to a theme could prevent you from displaying some pieces. However, sticking to a specific style for your formatting, font and background colours will help to make your portfolio look polished and professional.
What makes a good portfolio?
A good art portfolio should:
- Tell a story and keep the viewer engaged throughout.
- Show the depth and breadth of your skills.
- Be tailored to the audience. If you’re applying for a specific job, update your portfolio with examples that demonstrate the skills they’re looking for.
- Be easy to navigate online or logical to follow in print.
- Give context and an explanation for each piece of work.
Discover more about digital and concept art.
- Concept Art explained
- Discover how to become a professional illustrator
- A beginner’s guide to digital drawing tools
- What is digital art?