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Cut creative turnaround times by 31% and improve client satisfaction by 36% by using as your centralised collaboration platform.

(Source: IDC 2020)

Streamline review cycles so creative teams can stay creative.

Streamline review cycles so creative teams can stay creative.

  • Export and upload assets into for review and approval right from Creative Cloud applications.
  • Easily make in-context comments and on-screen annotations.
  • Automatically stack versions for organised review and side-by-side comparisons.
  • Respond to comment threads and address feedback directly in Creative Cloud applications integrated with
Comply with legal and security requirements.
  • Create dynamic or forensic watermarks with customised presentation experiences for securely sharing your content externally.
  • Control access through SSO, 2FA, DRM and customisable asset-level permissions to protect your companyʼs intellectual property.
  • Manage storage costs with team provisioning, user and team roles, automated asset lifecycle management and project archiving.
Scale content production and accelerate post-production timelines.

Scale content production and accelerate post-production timelines.

  • Eliminate the delay between production and post by automatically uploading photos, videos, audio and more from recording devices to using Camera to Cloud.
  • Integrate with third-party tools using the fast, secure API.
  • Save time by centralising creative assets for related workstreams.

Work at the speed of creativity.

Review and approval

Review and approval

Collaborate with clear, contextual comments and annotations.

Seamless iterations

Seamless iterations

View comments inside Creative Cloud applications integrated with

Camera to Cloud

Camera to Cloud

Send media right from your camera into your account over WI-FI, 5G or LTE.

Centralized asset management

Centralised asset management

Trust in secure cloud storage for all your files and everyone on your team.

Accelerated file transfers

Accelerated file transfers

Keep folders intact with super-fast, fault-tolerant file uploads and downloads.

Customizable and secure sharing

Customisable and secure sharing

Send review links or presentations to any stakeholder — even if they don’t have a account.

Collaborate seamlessly with enterprise tools.

Multi-team management

Easy-to-use admin tools ensure the right team members see the right projects.

Asset lifecycle management

Automatic archiving with customised settings helps you to save on storage costs.

Executive review and approval

The for Apple TV app and Secure Inbox offer robust verification and display features.

Single sign-on (SSO)

SSO simplifies the log in process and cuts down on IT support requests.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA adds another layer of protection on top of your basic log in credentials.

Digital rights management (DRM)

Copy protection stops unauthorised viewing of pre-release content.

Personalised watermarks

Watermark ID dynamically overlays viewer name, IP address and view date.

10-bit 4k HDR playback

HDR playback preserves the full colour and contrast intended by your creative team.

Account management team

A dedicated account team provides onboarding, training and ongoing support.

See in action. | What is | :play-medium

What is

Explore how helps teams stay connected to their projects in real-time, from anywhere, so they can be more creative. | Customer story: V/Speed | :play-medium

Customer story: V/Speed

Learn how V/Speed relied on the security and powerful collaboration, review and approval capabilities of to stay on course with high-profile clients like National Geographic. | in Premiere Pro | :play-medium in Premiere Pro

Collaborate with team members and clients — without leaving your Premiere Pro timeline.


Get the creative collaboration plan designed for business

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