A floral pattern on a blue background

Explore endless pattern options.

Create customised, seamless patterns with Text to Pattern. Edit, scale and save them to your swatch library so you can apply them anywhere in a few clicks.

Vector drawing of a racecar at a pit stop with a Generative Recolor prompt laid on top

Generate colour with simple text prompts.

Explore endless colour combinations. Use Generative Recolor to turn words and concepts into colour palettes and apply them to your designs.

Drawing of two giraffes

Generate customised vector graphics.

Create, edit and scale vector graphics that match your style. Quickly go from text prompt to scene, subject or icon with the smartest Text to Vector Graphic yet.

Illustration of the Pen tool being used to draw a sketch on a yellow background

Design illustrations with precision.

Use the Pen tool to make straight and curved lines you can edit with anchor points. Combine it with the Curvature and Pencil tool to draw anything you can imagine.

Illustration of the Pen tool being used to draw a curved shape

Create curves easily.

Draw intuitive curved lines and shapes using the Curvature tool. Make C-shaped and S-shaped curves and even draw straight lines to make a complete shape.

Drawing of multiple round shapes laid over each other

Build complex shapes.

Combine common shapes to make complex ones with the Shape Builder tool. Make bold, geometric designs for icons and more.