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How to Split a PDF File Online

Split a PDF into multiple, separate files with these four simple steps:

A pair of scissors placed between three grouped PDF pages showing how a PDF splitter works
  1. Click 'Select a file' or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Once Acrobat has uploaded your file, sign in.
  3. Set divider lines to organise the page ranges for each of your split PDF files.
  4. Click the 'Continue' button, then select a folder to save your split PDF files and Save.

Try Our Free PDF Splitter Online

Four pages with scissors splitting the pages down the middle

Split PDFs into separate documents

The Acrobat PDF splitter tool allows you to swiftly separate PDF pages into up to 20 files. Add as many as 19 divider lines to designate specific page ranges.

A PDF file being split into three separate documents

Create as many as 20 split PDF files

Once you've signed in, you can easily highlight any page thumbnails you want to delete. When you’ve finished selecting these files, just click the dustbin icon in the top toolbar.

Multiple files with arrows indicating how easy it is to reuse content

Save time and effort by reusing content

Using Acrobat, you can repurpose existing PDF content. Simply split a PDF file, then try other Acrobat online tools to reorder or add pages to your split PDFs.

A file being downloaded and saved to the cloud

Download or share split PDFs with ease

Once you've successfully split your PDF files, you can easily download them or share them with others. You can even share your split PDFs with friends or colleagues for commenting, so you collect all feedback in a single PDF document.

A browser and a mobile screen with the Acrobat logo showing that you can split PDFs on any device

Use any device

Acrobat online tools can be used in any browser, from Microsoft Edge to Google Chrome. So they'll work on your desktop, laptop, notebook or phone.

A PDF graphic showing how Adobe Acrobat online services offers the best PDF splitter

The best online PDF splitter tool

Adobe invented the PDF file format. Try our impressive online tools to split PDF files with ease and keep your projects moving from anywhere.

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a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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