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How to Rearrange Pages in a PDF Online

Reorder PDFs online with these simple steps:

A PDF file with pages being rearranged into a new order
  1. Use the Select a file button or drag and drop your PDF into the dotted area on-screen.
  2. Choose the PDF you’re looking to reorganise.
  3. Sign into your Adobe account once the file has uploaded.
  4. Click the thumbnail of the page and simply drag it to where you want it.
  5. Click Save. You can then download the file or share via email.

Try Our Free PDF Organiser Tool to Reorder Pages Online

Three files with an arrow showing how you can reorder pages in a PDF

Rearrange PDF pages with ease

Upload your PDF, sign in, and arrange the pages as you need them. Structuring PDFs is free and easy with Adobe Acrobat online tools.

A stack of files with arrows showing that you can reorder up to 500 PDF pages

Reorder up to 500 pages in your PDF file

Have lots of pages? Rearrange up to 500 pages in a PDF (with a file size up to 100 MB). Need to make files smaller? Use the Acrobat Compress PDF tool.

Multiple PDF files with a scale bar to show that your styling stays the same when you rearrange pages

No compromise on style

Reordering PDF pages doesn’t mean you’re sacrificing styling and formatting – it’s just a simple rearrangement of the document layout.

A dustbin, plus sign and arrow showing that you can delete, add and rotate PDF pages for the perfect file

Delete, add, or rotate PDF pages

Make the PDF your own. Add new pages, delete unwanted ones, or flip them from portrait to landscape, all in one place. Simply sign into your Acrobat account to get started.

A clock representing how you can save time by reuse your PDF content

Reuse PDF content to save time

Already have good material but need to make changes? Transform an existing PDF into fresh content with clever re-working tools. It's faster than starting from scratch.

An organised PDF file

PDF files you can trust

We invented the PDF format in the early 1990s and have continued to innovate it ever since. Acrobat online tools can help you re-structure your PDF quickly, easily, and for free.

Questions? We have answers.

More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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