Adobe Acrobat

Merge PDF files

Your files will be securely handled by Adobe servers and deleted unless you sign in to save them.By using this service, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.(Files are secured using HTTPS w/TLS 1.2 and stored using AES-256 encryption)

Over 11M* files uploaded!

Join millions of users who have successfully converted Word documents to PDF using Acrobat.

*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to Merge PDFs Online

Combine PDF documents into one file with these five simple steps:

  1. Click Select files or drag and drop your document into the drop zone.
  2. Choose the files you want to merge with the Acrobat PDF combiner tool.
  3. Rearrange the files if desired.
  4. Select Merge files.
  5. Download your now merged PDF document. Sign in to save and organise individual pages or share the file.

Try Our Free PDF Merger

Discover how to merge PDFs easily with our online tool. It's free, user-friendly, and works on any device, enabling you to combine PDFs while on the go.

Three document icons with an arrow pointing to a single document to show how easy it is combining PDF files into one with Adobe Acrobat.

Combine PDFs into one file

Using our PDF merger tool to combine PDF files into a single file is quick and simple. Just add files, merge them and you're done.

An Acrobat PDF with a plus sign to represent merging two or more PDFs

Simplify your document with a merged PDF

Combining multiple PDFs into one document means that you can store and review them easily. You'll also be able to share your files with others - just email them a link to your single, merged PDF file.

Two pages of a document with arrows to demonstrate how you can organise a PDF document

Organise your PDF online

Once you've merged your PDF files, just sign in to organise the individual pages. Move, add, delete or rotate your PDFs until you’re happy with your document.

A download arrow with a small cloud showing that you can easily download your merged file

Download your document and share it

You can download your combined PDF file in just a click. Then, it's super simple to edit, share and print your PDF.

Two browser icons with a mouse arrow pointing to an Acrobat PDF to show that you can work with PDFs in any browser

Use our PDF joiner tool in any web browser

The Adobe Acrobat PDF merger online tool can be used in any web browser, including Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. You can also use it on Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.

A single PDF file showing the result of combining PDFs with the best online PDF tool

Use the best PDF combiner

Adobe invented the PDF file format. So you can trust our PDF editor tools. Use our quick and easy PDF combiner to merge documents and make your work easier to access and understand.

Questions about the PDF Merger? We have answers.

Merge PDF resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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