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How to Delete Pages from a PDF Online

Removing pages from a PDF is simple when you use the Acrobat online tool:

A document icon with a dustbin icon showing how you can delete PDF pages
  1. Drag and drop your PDF into the drop zone or select your file manually.
  2. Once Acrobat has uploaded the file, sign in for free.
  3. Highlight one or more page thumbnails that you want to remove from the PDF.
  4. Navigate to the top toolbar and click the dustbin icon to remove the pages.
  5. Click Save and choose a new name for your edited PDF.
  6. Download your file or share it with a link.

Try Our Free PDF Page Remover Online

A PDF with a dustbin icon showing how you can delete PDF pages

Delete pages from a PDF in seconds

Use Adobe Acrobat's online services to easily remove pages from a PDF. Simply sign in, upload your PDF document and download or share your edited file.

Multiple pages with a dustbin icon pointing to one page representing using Acrobat to select the pages you wish to remove

Remove only selected pages

Sign in and highlight the specific thumbnails of the pages you want to delete from the PDF. Once you've finished highlighting the unwanted pages, click the dustbin icon in the toolbar at the top to remove them.

Two vertical pages and one horizontal page with an arrow showing how you can reorder and rotate PDF pages

Reorder and rotate pages

Use Acrobat's PDF online tool to drag and drop pages, reorder them or rotate individual PDF pages in portrait or landscape mode.

A PDF file with an arrow being shared with others

Share your edited PDF

Once you're happy with your PDF, it's easy to share it with others. Your collaborators will have the same online view of the PDF as you, so it's a great way to collect feedback.

A desktop and mobile screen with the Adobe Acrobat logo representing working with PDFs on any device

Use any device

You can access Acrobat online tools on any device and any operating system. From desktops, laptops and smartphones, you can easily use the tools you need wherever you are.

An Acrobat PDF file with a lock showing that you can trust Acrobat PDF tools

Use trusted tools to remove PDF pages

Acrobat lets you work seamlessly. Delete pages from a PDF quickly and easily to get the results you need in a flash.

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a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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