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How to crop a PDF online

Need to crop a PDF doc? Follow these simple steps:

An icon shows Acrobat's PDF crop online technology used in the crop tool.
  1. To get started, click Select a file, or drag and drop your document into the drop zone.
  2. After your PDF has finished uploading, sign into your free Acrobat account.
  3. Next, you'll see an automatic outline of the first PDF page. Grab the cropping border handles to resize it to just how you like it.
  4. Then, simply select Crop and save your file.

Crop your PDFs for free

An Acrobat PDF file icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop a PDF

Crop PDF margins

It's simple to tweak the margins of a PDF with Acrobat online. Just drag and drop your document, and then crop it to how you want it.

A document icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop your file to the right size

Crop PDF pages to the right size

Once you've signed in, Acrobat will show you the first page of your PDF with a dotted cropping border. Just drag this by its handles to fit the size you need.

Multiple document icons with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can apply cropping to pages

Crop other PDF pages

If you're looking to achieve a uniform approach across different pages, you can do it in a flash. Apply your crop to all your PDF pages, or even set a page range.

A box representing a cropped PDF with a red arrow pointing to the left showing how you can restore original content

Rewind and restore original content

Not happy with the result? No sweat. You can restore your old PDF file settings in a flash by selecting Reset.

An Acrobat logo on a small desktop icon with a mobile phone icon showing how you can work with PDFs on any platform

Work on almost any platform

Our online PDF cropper works on all sorts of different devices and operating systems. No downloads, software, or subscriptions needed.

An Acrobat PDF file icon with a small box representing a cropped section of the PDF

The best PDF cropper

As the inventor of the PDF, we know all their ins-and-outs. When you use Acrobat online tools, you'll get a result you can be proud of. Try cropping your PDF for free online today.

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More resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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