
screenshot of a scene being edited in Substance 3D Designer

a fine-textured rock sample

a fine-textured rock sample

a rough-textured rocky sample

a smooth-textured rock sample

a red rock sample

Substance 3D Assets being inserted into a scene

您可以根據各種專案,輕鬆調整這些可自訂的 Substance 3D 檔案。

Substance 3D 材質可能會有不同的解析度,視目標而定 (例如桌上型電腦或行動裝置)。您可以變更 Substance 材質的解析度,並看到這些變更立即反映在場景中。

您也可以使用 C# 指令碼,在執行階段更新 Substance 3D 材質。


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