Adobe Transparency Center

How to Report (and Appeal)


Reporting a Violation

Adobe becomes aware of content that violates our policies through a combination of automated detection, manual reporting, and internal investigations. All potentially violative content that gets flagged gets reviewed by a moderator before it is actioned. If you believe that you have discovered a potential violation of Adobe’s Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, refer to the HelpX page on How to report abuse of Adobe products.

If you want to report the misuse of your own creative work or your own trademark by one of our users, please refer to the Intellectual Property Removal Policy. If you have a contract or other dispute with an Adobe user about content they have uploaded to one of our sites, please resolve the issue directly with the user. We can't moderate contract, employment, or other disputes between our users and the public.

If you come across content that you believe violates law in your jurisdiction, you may leverage our in-product reporting mechanisms listed above or use our Illegal Content Reporting Form.


Appealing an Enforcement Action

If you believe that we made a mistake in removing or restricting your content or account, you may appeal that action by following the process outlined in our communication to you or by filling out this form. Once you submit an appeal, it’s sent for review, and we will notify you of the outcome of the appeal.


Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution Option and Judicial Redress under the Digital Services Act (DSA)

If you are a recipient of our services in the European Union (EU) and believe that we made a mistake in removing or restricting your content or account on grounds that the information provided was illegal or violates our Terms of Use, you may appeal our decision through the process outlined in our communication to you or by filling out the above form. Alternatively, you are entitled to select any out-of-court dispute settlement body certified by the Digital Services Coordinator in the relevant EU Member State to resolve a dispute relating to any such decision.


Single Point of Contact

Pursuant to Article 11 of the DSA, Adobe has designated a single point of contact to enable direct communication with the European Commission, EU Member States’ authorities, and European Board for Digital Services regarding the application of the DSA. These entities can contact Adobe (in the English language) at