Adobe Transparency Center

Harmful Content: Self-Harm

Policy goal

The goal of this policy is to prevent the dissemination of self-harm (through the glorification or depiction of such behavior).

What is in violation

We take the well-being and safety of our users seriously. While we welcome content and conversation about topics such as mental health, suicide, and eating disorders, we restrict the following content: 

  • Promotion or glorification of suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders

  • Suicide pacts

  • Instructions on how to commit acts of self-harm

  • Mocking or harassing victims/survivors of self-injury

  • Encouraging others to seriously harm themselves (for example, encouraging users to participate in dangerous activities such as Russian Roulette)

Content that threatens, depicts, or promotes self-harm is not permitted on any of Adobe's products or services and will be removed when reported to us. Repeat violations could lead to a permanent account restriction.

Policy definitions

Self-harm content

Content that depicts, encourages, coordinates, or provides instructions for: 

  • Suicide

  • Self-injury

  • Eating disorders

(National Library of Medicine: Introduction to self-harm)





Content discussing prior experiences with self-harm or mental illness

Creatives can use Adobe’s platforms to responsibly discuss their prior experiences with self-harm/self-injury or mental illness. For example, a user can create a project to discuss how art has helped them cope with mental illness and overcome suicidal thoughts.  

While we do allow users to create works that responsibly discuss their prior experiences with self-harm or mental illness, we do not allow content that promotes or encourages others to engage in self-harm. 


Addresses sensitive subjects and themes in an age-appropriate manner

Informative: History, science, culture, societal issues 

Educational or scientific

Anatomy diagrams, medical resources, public health PSAs (about mental health)

Fine art

Sculptures, paintings, photographs featured in museums, educational materials, textbooks, historical materials, and so on


Depictions of images relevant to a newsworthy event; commentary related to a political or national event (image purpose should be relevant to the event)

Noncredible threats

Overly dramatic statements without additional context to suggest the threat of harm is credible, realistic, and/or imminent