Adobe e-signature framework


The Adobe e-signature framework is designed to help you consider and better analyze e-signature processes by breaking down use cases to document, signer, and e-signature type as well as the strength of the method used to identify each signer. This workbook includes the following sheets:


This sheet contains general guidance for using the Adobe e-signature framework and recommended steps for setting it up for use.


This is primary sheet to help analyze e-signature use cases or leverage as an exception management tool. It is designed to be cloned to allow for easier management of large amounts of e-signature use cases within a single workbook.

Risk register

This sheet is a traditional risk register and intended to assist in working with your legal or risk team to capture of any risks specific to your organization. Some examples of potential risks include:

     - Legal requirement that prescribes specific e-signature type (e.g. Qualified)
     - Regulatory requirement (e.g. KYC)
     - Proof of signing needed
     - Potential for legal challenge, unfamiliar jurisdiction
     - High value transaction
     - Risk of fraud or unknow signer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


This sheet contains several item lists that support certain list drop-down functions on the Framework page. For convenience, pre-filled examples are included, however it is intended that the list in each category will be modified to fit the requirements or needs of your organization.