
5 dk

Mix multichannel audio

Create an audio mix with multichannel clips.

What you learned: Selectively enable channels in multichannel audio clips

What is multichannel audio

Most audio clips are mono or stereo (with one or two audio channels). Some professional cameras record up to eight audio channels, many of which are included in the audio file but are silent and unused. Premiere Pro supports up to 32 audio channels in clips and sequences.

Review audio clips in the Source Monitor

  • Open an audio clip in the Source Monitor and click the Drag Audio Only button to quickly switch to viewing the audio waveform.

Modify clips

Premiere Pro includes all audio channels in multichannel clips when they are added to sequences.

To access channel selection settings:

  1. Select one or more clips in the Project panel.

  2. Right-click on one of the selected clips and choose Modify > Audio Channels.

Choose audio channel settings

  • Select Use File in the Preset menu to use the settings included in the file.

  • Choose a channel configuration preset to quickly assign Channel Format and Number of Audio Clips settings.

  • Choose a Clip Channel Format to assign channels as mono, stereo, 5.1, or Adaptive.

  • Select the number of clips that will be added when the clip is edited into sequences.

The number of clips added to sequences is independent of the number of audio channels in the original media. For example, you could have one clip with five audio channels, or five clips with one audio channel in each.

Match source channels to clips

  • Use the checkboxes to assign source audio channels to clips.

Changes made are non-destructive

You can change clip interpretation settings at any time.

Review audio channels in the Source Monitor

When you change the audio channels used in a clip, that waveform updates when reviewing the clip in the Source Monitor.

Use the correct audio track types

Premiere Pro restricts audio clips to appropriate track types to ensure the correct mixing controls are used.

If you edit a clip into a sequence and an appropriate track type is not available, a new track with the appropriate channel format is created automatically.


Maxim Jago


Maxim Jago

25 Mayıs 2023

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