
  • Remove Background
  • Change Background
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Reveal or conceal with black and white brushes.

After removing the background, you might see some leftover bits around the edges of your subject. Use the white brush to reveal and the black brush to conceal any remaining unwanted pixels.

Refine your edges.

Double-check the edges of the object you cut out to make sure you’re happy with your selection, particularly around intricate areas such as animal fur or human hair. Use the Refine Edge Brush tool to seamlessly blend the subject with its new background.

Try a transparent background.

Make a white background transparent to isolate your subject so you can use it in a variety of ways. You can pop your newly isolated subject, logo, or branding onto website headers, email signatures, ads, and more.

Generate background instantly with descriptive text prompts.

With the new Generate Background feature (beta) in Photoshop, easily create custom backgrounds matching your subject’s lighting, shadows, and perspective.

How to remove a background in Photoshop.

  1. Pick your photo. Open your image in the Layers panel and unlock the layer.
  2. Click to remove. In the Properties panel, click Remove Background under Quick Actions or in the Contextual Task Bar.
  3. Refine your edges. Use the Brush tool to clean up any remaining small bits of background.
  4. Replace your background. Drag and drop a new image onto the canvas, then use the Transform tool to resize it to fit your desired dimensions. Press Enter / Return to finalize.
  5. Move it to the back. In the Layers panel, drag the new image underneath the original one.

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