
6 min

The Animate drawing tools

Learn how to use the drawing tools and create a boat.

What you learned: How to draw with Adobe Animate

  • Every shape in Animate comes with a stroke (outside border) and a fill (the inside color of a shape)

  • Lines can be dragged and connect and snap to each other

  • Tool tips help to show if a shape will move as a curve or as a point

  • Bezier curves are simplified by simple clicking and dragging the lines or shapes

  • Lines get divided where they intersect and can snap together

  • The drawing tool has 3 settings (ink, smooth, and straighten)

  • Paint Bucket is for adding color to fills, and Ink bottles adds color to the stroke

August 7, 2023

Try these tutorials with Animate

Make interactive animations for games, apps, and the web.