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The above page is a results page. The user has conducted a search for book club member Sally Jones, and has retrieved her information from the database. In this view, you can see that Sally Jones has completed Parts One and Two of Great Expectations and that she liked both parts. The checkboxes and radio buttons displaying Sally Jones's data are dynamic—that is, their status as selected ("checked") or deselected is determined at run time.

Here is the static HTML code for the first checkbox:

<input CHECKED type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" value="True">

Note the CHECKED attribute in the input tag. The CHECKED attribute determines whether the checkbox is selected when the results page opens in a browser window. When the CHECKED attribute is present, a check appears in the checkbox. When the CHECKED attribute is not present, the checkbox appears empty. The CHECKED attribute works in a similar way for radio buttons.

Getting your checkboxes and radio buttons to display dynamic data is a simple matter of telling your application server when to insert the CHECKED attribute into the input tag. You can do this in Dreamweaver UltraDev by making checkboxes and radio buttons dynamic.

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