Updating records in Dreamweaver UltraDev 4
Your application can contain a page that lets users update existing records in a database table.
An update page has three building blocks:
A filtered recordset to retrieve the record from a database table |
An HTML form to let users modify the record's data |
An Update Record server behavior to update the database table |
You can add the HTML form and the server behavior to the update page separately using the Dreamweaver form tools and the Server Behaviors panel, or you can add them in a single operation using the Record Update Form live object. For instructions on the latter, see Building an update page using a live object.
The search results page may serve as an update page if it displays a single record. This article describes how to construct a single-record search update page. The user will search for an employee by last name, and then update that employee's information in the database.
If you want your results page to list more than one record from your database (several employees named Smith, for example), you can create a list of results on the page, then add a Go to Detail Page server behavior that names the detail page as the update page. For instructions on creating this kind of results page, see Building a simple database search feature. For instructions on creating a detail/update page, see "Creating a detail page for a results page" and "Building a page to update records" in Using UltraDev.
Note: The update page can contain only one record-editing server behavior at a time. For example, you cannot add an Insert Record or a Delete Record server behavior to the update page.