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Creating a repeated region

If you have not created a repeated region on your results page yet, this section describes how to do it. If your page already contains a repeated region to display multiple results, you can skip to the next section.

You create a repeated region by applying the Repeat Region server behavior to a page element—for example, a table row. When the results page runs on the server, the Repeat Region server behavior repeats the table row to accommodate all the records in the results recordset. Each row displays the content of one record.

To apply a repeat region to the table row:

1 Select the row that contains dynamic content by clicking inside it, then clicking the right-most <tr> icon on the status bar to select the row.
2 In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors), click the plus (+) button and select Repeat Region.
The Repeat Region dialog box appears.
3 Specify the recordset containing the data to show on the page.
Your results recordset should be selected by default.
4 Click OK to close the Repeat Region dialog box.
UltraDev lists the Repeat Region server behavior in the Server Behaviors panel. (The panel lists all the server behaviors on your page.)

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