Getting Started with Dreamweaver
View in Dreamweaver: Select Help > Getting Started with Dreamweaver
This manual is intended for beginning users, as well as intermediate and advanced users who might want to learn about new features.
This guide introduces you to using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. It also includes a series of nine tutorials that lead you through the process of creating a simple but functional website.
The tutorials teach you how to perform the following tasks with Dreamweaver:
- Organize your site files
- Create a table-based layout
- Add content to web pages
- Format your pages with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Publish your site on the web
- Work with page code
- Create a CSS-based layout
- Display XML data in a web page
- Develop database-backed web pages
Using Dreamweaver
View in Dreamweaver: Select Help > Using Dreamweaver
This manual is intended for all Dreamweaver users.
This user guide contains comprehensive, task-based information on all the features to help you design and develop websites in Dreamweaver. Whether you enjoy the control of hand-coding or prefer to work in a visual editing environment, Dreamweaver provides you with helpful tools to enhance both your productivity and your creativity.
This guide teaches you how to do many tasks with Dreamweaver, including the following:
- Use the visual editing features in Dreamweaver to quickly create pages without writing a line of code
- Manage the files in a site, including transferring them to and from servers
- Create sophisticated, standards-based sites with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Create pages that display XML data
- Streamline your page design workflow by creating and editing images in Macromedia Fireworks or another graphics application and then importing them directly into Dreamweaver, or by adding Macromedia Flash or Flash Video content to your pages
- Use the full-featured coding environment that includes tools such as code collapse, code hints, and code coloring
- Build dynamic database-backed web applications using server technologies such as ColdFusion, ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, and PHP
Extending Dreamweaver
View in Dreamweaver: Select Help > Extending Dreamweaver
This manual is intended for advanced users who want to build extensions or customize the Dreamweaver user interface.
This manual describes the Dreamweaver framework and application programming interface (API) that lets you build Dreamweaver extensions. The manual is designed to help you learn to write your own objects and commands to customize or extend Dreamweaver. To accomplish these tasks, you must be proficient in JavaScript and Dreamweaver.
For reference documentation on the Dreamweaver API, see Dreamweaver API Reference.
Dreamweaver API Reference
View in Dreamweaver: Select Help > Dreamweaver API Reference
This manual is intended for advanced users who want to build extensions or customize the Dreamweaver user interface.
This manual describes the utility application programming interface (API) and the JavaScript API, both of which let you perform various supporting tasks when developing Dreamweaver extensions. The manual is designed to serve the experienced Dreamweaver programmer who wants to quickly locate the right function to accomplish a particular task. This manual assumes that you are familiar with Dreamweaver, HTML, XML, JavaScript programming, and (if applicable) C programming. If you are writing extensions for building web applications, you should also be familiar with server-side scripting on at least one platform, such as Active Server Pages (ASP), ASP.NET, PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), ColdFusion, or Java Server Pages (JSP).
To learn about the Dreamweaver framework and the API that enables you to build Dreamweaver extensions, see Extending Dreamweaver.
Keyboard Shortcut Quick Reference for Windows
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This guide is intended for all Windows Dreamweaver users.
This guide provides the latest Windows keyboard shortcuts for Dreamweaver. You can download and print the guide for quick reference.
Keyboard Shortcut Quick Reference for Macintosh
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This guide is intended for all Macintosh Dreamweaver users.
This guide provides the latest Macintosh keyboard shortcuts for Dreamweaver. You can download and print the guide for quick reference.
Using HomeSite+ for Dreamweaver MX
This manual is intended for users who want to use HomeSite+ with Dreamweaver.
This manual includes a tutorial, productivity and customization tips, and information on site development and management. You can also learn to extend HomeSite with the Visual Tools Markup Language (VTML), Visual Tools Object Model (VTOM), ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), and Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX).
User Documentation Errata
Getting Started with Dreamweaver and Using Dreamweaver Errata
This document is intended for users of the Getting Started with Dreamweaver and Using Dreamweaver documentation.
This document corrects known errors or omissions in the Getting Started with Dreamweaver and Using Dreamweaver documentation.
Extension Documentation Errata
Extending Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver API Reference Errata
This document is intended for users of the Extending Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver API Reference documentation.
This document corrects known errors or omissions in the Extending Dreamweaver and Dreamweaver API Reference documentation.