How to write an invoice for freelance work in 6 steps.

A woman in an office uses her laptop to write an invoice for freelance work

Discover how to write an invoice for freelance work that’s professional and comprehensive.

Freelancing in any industry or niche can be an exciting career move. Freelancing offers freedom, flexibility, and certain perks that don’t always go hand in hand with working in-house for an organization.

But freelancing comes with its own challenges too. Invoicing is one of them. How exactly do freelancers write invoices for their work, and further, how can you be sure you’re doing it right when it comes time to create yours?

What is an invoice for freelance work?

A freelance invoice is a document you create that lists the services or products you provide to a client. Let’s say you’re a freelance artist: If someone commissions a painting from you, you’d create an invoice that tells your client how much they need to pay you to purchase that painting. Learning how to write an invoice for freelance work is important because it helps you keep communication clear with your clients, making sure they know what they’re paying for and when they need to pay you.

6 steps to write an invoice for freelance work.

How to write an invoice for freelance work in six steps.

  1. Create a professional template that you can use over and over. Include your logo and business name, and use a clean, easy-to-read design.
  2. Include your contact information and the client’s contact information.
  3. Create a breakdown of services: List line by line the products and/or services you provided, with their prices and/or rates next to each one.
  4. Include any necessary details for the invoice, such as the date the invoice was sent, the due date for the invoice payment, and an invoice number.
  5. List specific payment terms, payment options, and late-fee notices.
  6. Add your signature to authorize the invoice, as well as a personal thank you note to your client as a finishing touch.

How to create an invoice for freelance work with a template.

To create an invoice for freelance work using a template, start by noting down key information such as client name, services provided, rates, and payment terms. Once you have your invoice ready, transform it into a reusable template by removing specific client details and leaving blank spaces to fill in later. This way, you can quickly generate invoices for future projects with minor adjustments.

What to include on a freelance invoice template.

Below are the key components typically included in a freelance invoice template:

  • Client name
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Description of services rendered
  • Quantity
  • Rate/price per unit
  • Total amount due
  • Payment terms
  • Hourly rate
  • Subtotal
  • Tax
  • Discounts or additional charges
  • Payment instructions

Does an invoice for freelance work need to be signed?

An invoice for freelance work usually doesn’t need to be signed by both parties. In many cases, it serves as a formal request for payment rather than a legally binding agreement. However, some clients may require a signed contract or agreement before work begins, outlining terms and conditions and payment details.

Streamline the way you create invoices for freelance work.

Make your freelance invoicing workflow simpler and faster than ever with Adobe Acrobat business tools. Start today to make your digital signature tasks more efficient than you ever thought possible.