What is a business partnership agreement?

A group of individuals sit around a table and enter into a business partnership agreement.

What is a partnership agreement, and why do you need one?

Starting a new business can be exciting, but where do you begin? A business partnership agreement is a good place to start.

What is a business partnership agreement used for?

A business partnership agreement establishes rules for two or more parties going into business together. It’s a legally binding document that outlines every detail of your business operations, ownership stakes, financials, responsibilities, and decision-making strategies. If you’re going into business with a friend, relative, or another business, you’ll need an airtight business partnership agreement. Learn more below about why they matter.

Why you need a business partnership agreement in place.

No matter how confident you are in your business, partnership, and working relationship, all co-owning parties will want to sign onto a business partnership agreement before going any further. A partnership agreement, sometimes referred to as an operating agreement, provides these essential benefits to your business:

Make sure you get legal advice on how to write a contract before developing your business partnership agreement to ensure it meets your own business needs.

Benefits of business partnership agreements.

Business partnership agreements lay the foundation for a successful partner relationship. When business partners come together with clear processes and responsibilities, they can focus their collective efforts on fulfilling those responsibilities and building the business.

Business partnership agreements make it possible for partners to benefit from one another’s knowledge, experience, and skills. Partnerships are serious, and a formal agreement sets the tone for the serious task of growing a business together.

What’s included in a business partnership agreement?

Your business partnership agreement may include the following:

Create, sign, and share business partnership documents to get started.

With Adobe Acrobat for business, create airtight business partnership agreements, share the electronic documents with your partners, easily e-sign them, and get started building that business with confidence and clarity.