
5 min

Scale, crop, and move your video

Reposition, scale, rotate, and crop clips in Adobe Premiere Rush.

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What you learned: Change the appearance of your sequence by cropping, changing the image size, and repositioning clips in the frame

Transform clip properties

  1. Position the timeline playhead over a clip to select it, and then click Crop & Rotate.

  2. Use the Basic transform controls to adjust position, rotation, opacity, and scale.

Change the scale of a clip

  • With the Maintain Proportions box checked, drag the Width or Height sliders to adjust video width and height uniformly.

  • With the Maintain Proportions box unchecked, adjust width or height independently to stretch or squeeze the image.

Rotate a clip

  • Use the Rotation slider to rotate your video up to 180° in either direction.

  • Alternatively, type a positive or negative number for the rotation value, and press Return.

Reposition a clip

  • Using the Basic controls, drag the Vertical Position slider to adjust the vertical position of a clip. Drag the Horizontal Position slider to adjust the horizontal position of the clip.

  • Alternatively, enter specific values for both Horizontal Position and Vertical Position, and press Return.

Adjust clip opacity

  • Drag the Opacity control slider, or enter an opacity value from 0 to 100%.

Adjust Basic transform controls in the Preview Monitor

Position the playhead over a clip in the sequence to select it, and then click on the image in the Preview Monitor. Then do any of the following:

  • Move the Adjust Monitor Size control to display the thin blue boundary that outlines your clip.

  • In the Preview Monitor, move the clip’s corners to change Scale settings.

  • To reposition a clip in the Preview Monitor, drag near the center of the clip to change horizontal or vertical position.

  • Place your cursor near any white corner point or edge point until the Rotate tool appears. Then slowly drag to adjust Rotation.

  • If you need to undo changes, press Command+Z (macOS) or Control+Z (Windows).

Advanced transform controls

The Advanced transform controls allow you to adjust Crop and Appearance settings for your video clips. Cropping the top or bottom of an image—or both—can help you transform a standard video into a widescreen look. The Appearance controls allow you to adjust edge feathering.

To crop a video clip, do either of the following:

  • Move the Crop slider controls to crop pixels from the top, bottom, left, and right edges of your video.

  • Enter specific percentage values for the amount to be cropped.

To adjust edge feathering:

  • Drag the Edge Feather slider, or enter a value from 0 to 100%.

Tip: The Edge Feather control affects the edges of the original video image, so if you apply cropping, edge feathering may be hidden.

Reset to default

The Basic and Advanced transform controls have separate Reset to Default buttons.

Adobe Stock contributors



Christine Steele

November 4, 2019

Try these tutorials with Premiere Rush

Create, edit, and share online videos.