
5 min

Create custom color looks

Edit color settings in Adobe Premiere Rush.

This sample file contains Adobe Stock assets you can use to practice what you learn in this tutorial. If you want to use the sample file beyond this tutorial, you can purchase licenses on Adobe Stock . Check out the ReadMe file in the folder for the terms that apply to your use of this sample file.

What you learned: Intensify color, sharpen images, and add vignettes using the Basic and Advanced controls under the Edit tab in the Color panel

After making adjustments, you can save your own custom looks as Presets.

Edit Basic properties

  1. Position the playhead over a clip in the sequence, and then open the Color panel and select the Edit tab.

  2. In the Basic section, move the control sliders to adjust settings for properties such as Highlights, Shadows, Tint, and Vibrance.

Edit Advanced properties

  1. In the Edit tab of the Color panel, under Advanced, move the Faded Film slider to apply a faded film look to your video.

  2. To increase sharpness in the image, move the Sharpening control to the right.

  3. Adjust the vignette Amount and Feather controls to add a vignette to your video.

Toggle preset

  • Toggle the Turn off Color settings option at the top of the Color panel to compare the look of the clip with, and without, Basic and Advanced control adjustments.

Reset to default

You can reset Basic or Advanced controls independently of one another by clicking the respective Reset button.

Save custom looks

After adjusting Basic or Advanced controls in the Edit tab of the Color panel, you can save your new custom look.

  • Under More Options (three dots), choose Create Preset. Give your new preset a name, and choose Save. The new preset is available under Your Presets at the bottom of the Presets tab in the Color panel.

Apply your saved preset to another clip

  • To apply your new preset, select a different clip in the sequence, and then click on the new preset under Your Presets at the bottom of the Presets tab in the Color panel.

Tip: The Saturation control boosts or decreases color for the entire shot, but Vibrance adjusts color intensity while protecting skin tones. Try using Vibrance instead of Saturation when adjusting color for close-up shots of human faces.

Adobe Stock contributors

Pro Studio


Christine Steele

November 4, 2019

Try these tutorials with Premiere Rush

Create, edit, and share online videos.