
6 min

Transform static photos into dynamic looping videos

Quickly stylize and crop images to create a looping video for social media.

This sample file contains assets provided by Adobe Stock for your tutorial practice purposes only. Check out the ReadMe file in the folder for the terms of use for this file. Adobe Stock has millions of royalty-free images and videos for your commercial use. You can get 10 images with a free month trial .

What you learned: Scale and crop images, add color presets, duplicate images, and apply default transitions

Scale and crop the image

  1. Drag a corner of the image to scale the image to fill the entire frame.

  2. Click the Crop & Rotate icon. Then, under Advanced, drag the Crop Bottom slider rightward to about 67% to expose the top third of the image.

Apply color preset

  • In the Color panel, choose a color preset to add variation to the image.

Duplicate the image

  1. Select the image (which is on the first layer), and click the Duplicate button on the left lower panel.

  2. Drag the duplicate image to the second layer to stack it on top of the image on the first layer.

Create a middle crop

  1. Under Crop, drag the Top and Bottom sliders to 33% each to reveal the middle section of the image.

  2. In the Color panel, adjust the color preset to add variation.

Duplicate the image again

  • Duplicate the image on the second layer by selecting it and clicking the Duplicate button.

Create a bottom crop

  1. Drag the Crop Top slider to reveal the bottom third of the image.

  2. In the Color panel, adjust the color preset to add another variation.

Move and stagger video layers

Now there are three cropped image layers—a top, middle, and bottom—each with a different color preset. But what if you want each cropped layer to appear to animate in from top to bottom?

  • Set clip 2 to appear later by selecting its beginning and dragging rightward. Repeat for clip 3.

Smooth transitions

  • If you want to make the animation smoother, apply a cross dissolve transition to the beginning and end of the clips to create movement.

Add multiple dynamic color shifts to each cropped layer

  1. Click the scissors button to split each image layer into multiple clips.

  2. Apply a new color preset to each new split clip to add variation.

The result is fast color shifts for each clip.

Tip: Click the Loop Playback button to see the final looping video as it will appear on social media.

Adobe Stock Contributor



Premiere Gal

March 11, 2020

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