
5 min

Change page size

Learn how to change the page size of all the pages in a document, or just individual pages.

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What you learned: How to change page sizes in a document

When you create a new document, you specify what page size to use. But sometimes you might need to change the page size after you start work on a file.

Change the size of all the pages without modifying the content

  1. Choose File > Document Setup.

  2. Change the values for Width and Height. This changes the dimensions of all the pages in the document, but the text frames and images don’t change to fit the new page dimensions.

Change the page size and adapt the content to fit

  1. Choose File > Document Setup.

  2. Click the Adjust Layout button.

  3. Change the values for Width and Height. This changes the dimensions of all the pages in the document, and the text frames and images will scale and move to attempt to fit the new page dimensions.

Mix different page sizes in the same file

  1. Select one or more page thumbnails in the Pages panel.

  2. Click the Edit Page Size button at the bottom of the panel.

  3. Choose Custom.

  4. Enter a new Width and Height and click OK.

Adobe Stock contributors


October 15, 2018

Try these tutorials with InDesign

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