Use Adobe Stock images, textures, and patterns to create custom animations in Photoshop.
Select the Images filter and search for “craft fair” on Adobe Stock.
Place the photo into Photoshop from the Creative Cloud Library panel, and then scale and position it into your layout.
Select the Videos filter and search for “hand drawn letters” in Adobe Stock.
Create a black shape layer within a group in Photoshop, then duplicate that shape for each letter you need in your title.
Import the video and position the letter C above the first shape layer, then choose Create a Clipping Mask from the Layer menu. Duplicate the video layer, move it above the next shape layer, and repeat the process for each letter that you need. Add all of the video and shape layers into a Layer Group named “Letters.”
Set the Blend Mode of the layer group to Screen, then render an MP4 video by choosing Render Video from the File menu.
Now you have a beautiful artistic animation for your social channel that’s sure to grab attention for your brand.
Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.