
4 мин

Create a symbol

Save art and make it easy to update and reuse by creating symbols.

What you learned:

  • A symbol is a reusable object that resides in the Library (Command+L, Control+L on PC)

  • Each animate file has its own library that holds all your assets

  • A symbol on the stage, is called an “Instance”

  • You can edit a symbol by double-clicking the symbol in the Library or double-click the instance on the stage to Edit in Place.

  • When you update a symbol, it updates every instance in your movie

Symbols make it easy to update and reuse your art or illustrations

25 мая 2023 г.

Ознакомьтесь с этими руководствами к Animate

Создавайте интерактивную анимацию для игр, приложений и веб-сайтов.