As you can see, there are unique advantages to each of these plugins. The question you want to ask yourself is “What is the end goal of my site?”. All of these plugins can be a great option if you want to quickly generate landing pages or smaller informational websites with little functionality, but if you’re working on a project that needs to scale; I would recommend talking to a developer about the platform requirements before selecting your solution.
For simple responsive websites that serve to share business information while utilizing features like a contact form, video embeds, and more; Anima would be my plugin of choice. It’s very simple and can output very professional looking websites fast. The publish features within Anima make it easy to host and publish your website right within your Anima account.
If you’re more familiar with HTML and CSS and want to customize the CSS to fit into existing solutions or you just want to take the code output further, Web Export is a great solution but it will take more time to set the site up correctly.
Fireblade would be my choice if you need support for other languages in addition to HTML and CSS. Going from setup to export is quite simple although there is a limit to what functionality you can integrate within the plugin. You will still need to alter this code to embed things like forms, videos, or make better use of CSS classes.
I hope you found this article useful in choosing the best solution for exporting Adobe XD to HTML and CSS designs. You can find all of these solutions in the XD plugin panel and I would highly encourage you to spend a few minutes with each and output your designs to code to see if the final output meets your publishing needs.