Using {{adobe-substance-3d}} with CLO optimizes the entire 3D design process by providing true-to-life textures and material visualization technologies which enable the creation of digital designs that are an exact 1:1 representation of the physical end-product. This helps designers and brands unleashing their creativity and achieving a flexible, seamless digital workflow.
screenshot of Substance native integration in CLO

Edit and Explore

Once the {{substance}} 3D materials are imported in CLO, they will automatically adapt to the Physical Size of the CLO garment, according to the Physical Size value attributed to the {{substance}} 3D material (or automatically measured in {{substance}} 3D Sampler). Designers can continue to explore the endless variations of their {{substance}} 3D materials directly on their CLO garments: play with the presets of your {{substance}} material (pre-saved variations of one material embedded into a single .SBSAR file), select the output resolution (up to 4K), and tweak the {{substance}} 3D materials set of parameters, directly from the CLO Property Editor.

Visualize and Render

The results of these variations are displayed in real-time in the viewport, for an instant and accurate 3D virtual fit representation. Render with V-Ray from CLO or bring your design to {{adobe-substance-3d}} Painter for advanced material creation.

Additionally, CLO comes with 10 free {{substance}} 3D materials, available by default in the application!