Materials and Atlases
You might remember last year’s stylized starter kit, designed to cover your bases. We wanted to take it further and build a much larger release of more diverse content: the Bell Island project allowed us to cook up for you a serious expansion to the stylized materials on Substance 3D assets.
In this release you’ll find materials and atlases, and everything is parametric!
That means that every single material or atlas in this collection can adapt to your need. Want something clean? You got it. Want something gritty? No problem: add more scratches, a bit of tarnish, and there you go.
Sometimes giving a bit of life to your materials means adding moss. And you just need to tweak the color to make it match your environment! These materials aren’t one-size-fits-all, but they can fit anywhere you need.
See, how you can go from a simple plank material to an old pontoon in just a few tweaks:
In the context of an atlas, the parameters allow you to also change the shape of your asset, like so:
These materials, as well as every element released in this collection, have been developed with care: under the art direction of Pierre Antoine Moelo, the team has developed filters and other generators to reproduce his painting style. The goal at all times was to be faithful in order to give you access to Pierre Antoine’s concept. If you want to learn more about the Art Direction, the rationalization of scale and details in stylized art, go here.
Check out the details in these close-ups:
But that’s not all. We also took particular care to help this world come together with a diverse and cohesive vegetation.
Indeed, foliage, flowers, and other flora are essential to the mood of any environment, and a powerful, optimized, and beautiful set of materials and atlases is exactly what’s needed to create lush vegetation.
When you design your environment, you’ll need to find the right plants to populate it. Using the materials’ and atlases’ presets, such as color, you can establish very different moods. In this little terrain, we’ve only used materials and models present in our stylized release. You can find them all on the Substance 3D asset platform!
With a bit of variation, the very same environment becomes arid. Nothing has moved, and there are no new elements: we’ve only changed the parameters.
And if we get a little crazy with the colors, we can be transported into a magical world:
Even though they were built with the Bell Island project in mind, these materials and atlases are designed to be your canvas. Do with them what you will and build new stylized worlds of your own creation.