
When we released the Substance 3D offer, we committed to deliver premium quality 3D content to enable creatives to create best quality visuals in all industries.

This time we’ll roast some consumer packaged goods illustration! Today, this starts with photorealistic compositions created using our 3D assets library and the Substance 3D apps.

Creating a complete 3D scene requires several steps. First, the artist will build the objects. Then, they will create and apply textures to the objects’ surfaces. Then, they will merge the objects into a final scene where the shots are composed, the scene fully lit and the images finally rendered.

Packaging is no exception to the rule.

However, creating every element from scratch can be time consuming and complex scenes require a lot of content. When it comes to creating a full set of images for a product marketing campaign — with both lifestyle images and individual product packshots — resources are the primary requirement.

That’s where the Substance 3D apps and content can help you save time and bring your design’s quality to the highest level.

Let’s gather the ingredients!

When you’re working on a 3D project, you don’t have to grow all your elements from the ground up: save your energy for what really will catch the eye of the viewers: your hero assets.

For the rest, just go shopping!

In the 3D assets library, you can browse over 11,000 premium quality materials, models, and lights for your projects. And, guess what? There’s a whole collection of content dedicated to packaging design!

What about customization? That’s the best part of this collection: it’ll adapt to your need! That is, after all, one of the pillars of our work; we want to make sure that artists don’t have to compromise between time and creativity.

Indeed, Substance 3D materials are parametric. Colors, glossiness, and many more are designed to be changeable to allow boundless personalization.

That’s the quality you can get! Every single element (materials, models, lights) in this scene comes from the library.

We can always go one step further!

3D assets work perfectly within the Substance 3D ecosystem and beyond.

For the most adventurous artists, it’s possible to leverage atlases to populate a scene. Here, we had a bit of exploratory fun with an atlas-to-mesh setup in Houdini. Here, we’ve used this atlas.

The fun part of this, is that once the setup is done, we can pick up any other round shape atlas in the library, and the output will give a 3D mesh.

Having a lot of different variations on a single atlas is great for large simulations, because it will help you avoid repetition. In combination with the fact that the atlases go up to 8K resolution, it is also great for close up shots.

Once you have a mesh, you can make any realistic rigid body / soft body simulation for any kind of usage. In this, project, all the animation and simulation was made in Houdini and rendered in Blender Cycles.
And stay tuned, we’re working on a collection of materials dedicated to food and drink… the deliciousness is coming soon on Substance 3D assets. In fact, here’s a foamy preview:

All the visuals in this scene were created by Maximilien Vert.