
This release is also our broadest collection of materials so far, as we cover all the materials needed for the construction of a car: paints, leathers, plastics, textiles, and composites. Each of these materials is a fully tweakable procedural, scan, hybrid or MDL shader. And it’s all on its way to Substance Source.

We know that it’s a lot. So we decided to give you the time to dive into the various categories and material types. This is why we planned a release every week in June. And a few surprises to spice it up, because, why not?

Friends from everywhere: we worked on offering maximum customizability to the materials to ensure you’ll find useful stuff for any texturing project.

And friends from the automotive world, you’ll be pleased to know that for this release we partnered with talented professionals from the automotive industry. We stepped into their shoes to understand the constraints and opportunities in designing useful digital assets for the industry.

In short, the spirit of this release is a blend of universes and usages.

So have fun! Browse more than 1,000 presets or play with endless variations within each material! And why stop there? Get (technically) creative – hack into the SBS and MDL graphs; mix, layer or expose your magic!

That’s it for the first part of our massive Substance 3D Assets automotive release! Download the selection of free materials and start experimenting.

See you next week for the next release: we’ll be focusing on exterior materials. In the meantime, drive safely!