June 2021 is a big month for the Adobe Substance 3D apps. First, as you may have heard, the Substance toolset is now connected to Creative Cloud. Second, as part of our ongoing efforts to create the best texturing app possible, it’s time for a new release! This latest release of Painter provides an update to the asset panel, a new shader, an overall refresh of the UI, some much-requested performance improvements, expanded language support, and more!

Asset panel goodness

One change that’s immediately visible is the new asset panel (previously known as the shelf). We’ve updated the look and feel of the asset panel, with the goal of making it easier to navigate. And, as Painter is increasingly part of a more extended ecosystem, we took this opportunity to align as much as possible with the other Substance 3D apps.

We’ve moved the asset panel to the left of the app window by default; this is in order to maximize the amount of space available for the viewport, to help you focus on your artwork. We’ve also updated the asset panel with new icons and filters allowing you to quickly find the asset type you’re looking for.

Asset type icons

One element that we’ve added to the panel is the asset type icons. This allows you to select different types of asset; you can choose between materials, Smart Materials, Smart Masks, filters, brushes, alphas, textures, and environments. Also note that you can select multiple types of assets by holding Ctrl and clicking. This could, for example, allow you to search through both Smart Materials and ‘regular’ materials at once.

If you use custom saved search and filtering queries, don’t worry – these will still work with this new asset panel.

And it’s now possible to have a list view of your assets, in addition to the existing small, medium, and large thumbnails.

A new breadcrumb system is available at the top of the asset panel. if you’ve selected one or more asset types, and you navigate through your asset library by breadcrumbs, each menu that appears will probably contain sections that are grayed-out. This means that these categories within the menu don’t contain any assets of the type(s) that you’ve previously selected. You’ll observe the same behavior with the filter icons. A grayed-out icon means there are no assets of this type with the current search criteria.

This change just makes navigation around your asset library a little easier, giving you an extra navigation option if you don’t necessarily want to open the ‘Filter by path’ panel.

Thumbnail generation

We’ve improved the generation and loading times of thumbnails in the asset panel, and Painter now reads the thumbnail directly if it’s present in an SBSAR. You can also now control the memory budget for asset previews through an environment variable. This is particularly useful when working with very large numbers of assets, as the time needed to display the asset previews can be substantially reduced with a larger cache budget.

Previews of Smart Materials will appear twice as fast as before, while previews of SBSAR files will appear three times as fast. And in terms of reading thumbnails present in an SBSAR, the increase in speed is blindingly fast – hundreds of times faster than before.

We’ve also revamped the thumbnails of the asset panel; they now have a consistent look across all apps with displacement!


And let’s end with a note on languages: we’ve added new translations for Painter in French, German and Simplified Chinese!

For complete details on this latest release of Painter, please go ahead and check out the latest release note.

The Adobe Substance 3D suite includes apps for 3D creation, as well as content for use in your artwork. For more information, take a look at our articles:
Stager – Painter – SamplerDesigner
ModelsMaterialsLightsCreating the Lights