

How to match colors in {{adobe-photoshop}}.

Match colors of different objects in the same photo or create a cohesive color story across several images with these {{photoshop}} tips.

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An image of sun umbrellas on the beach. Most of the umbrellas are blue but one umbrella is red.


What is color matching?

Color matching is the process of applying a specific color to an image. To change color so it matches, you have to replicate the hue (the basic color), saturation (the color intensity), and brightness (the lightness or darkness) of the original color. Apply all of the colors of one image to another, match two differently colored items in the same image, or carry over a color from a different image. There are many reasons to match colors in your images — here are a few
A hockey team sitting on a bench. Most of the team members are wearing a red jersey but one team member is wearing a blue jersey. The blue jersey has been selected and has a dotted line border around it.

Create a unified look.

Keep someone’s skin tone consistent across a series of photos. Or maybe someone in the official team photo forgot to wear their home jersey — it’s an easy fix to match their shirt color to the others.

An image of six soda cans. Each soda can is a different layer and a different color.

Show variations on a theme.

To photograph a series of identical objects in different colors, simply shoot one of them. Then duplicate the photo and color match each one to a different hue, keeping every element but the color the same.

A photo of a pink flower. The color of the flower has been selected using the Eyedropper tool.
An image of two women. The skirt of one of the women has been selected and the color of the skirt has been matched with the pink color from the photo of the pink flower.
A photo of a person with a blue shirt.
A photo of a person with a red shirt.
A photo of a parent holding a child at the beach.
A photo of a parent holding a child on a mountain.


Express your true colors with these Photoshop tutorials.

Follow these step-by-step guides to editing color and more in your photos


What does the Photoshop Match Color tool do?

The Photoshop Match Color tool matches the colors between two images, allowing you to adjust the colors of a target image to match a source reference image.

What types of adjustments does the Photoshop Match Color tool make?

The Match Color tool adjusts hue, saturation, and brightness of the target image to minimize color differences compared to the reference. It shifts colors while preserving relative contrast.

Does Match Color change all the colors globally?

The Match Color adjustments are applied globally by default. You can use a layer mask to selectively match only certain parts of the image.

Can I save the Match Color adjustments as a preset?

Yes, once you have the Match Color settings dialed in, click the menu icon in the options bar and choose "Save color adjustments..." to save as a preset.

How is Match Color different from Match Histogram in Photoshop?

Match Histogram matches only the luminosity histogram, so the target colors may shift. Match Color matches both luminance and color information.

Where is the Match Color tool located in Photoshop?

The Match Color tool can be found in the toolbar under the Eyedropper tool or by Edit > Color > Match Color.
