Buying Guide

Getting Started

Are you considering building or selling a solution that is powered by Adobe® InDesign® Server software? For customers new to InDesign Server, Adobe recommends looking at the network of partners that have built products or offer training, consulting and development expertise. Here are resources available for in-house developers or partners.


Adobe InDesign Server can be licensed for use by systems integrators and third-party developers as well as in-house development teams.

Pricing of the InDesign Server engine varies according to the nature of the solution, its usage, and how it is deployed. When you talk to your Adobe representative or solutions partner, be prepared with answers to the following questions:

  • Is the solution for internal use only, accessible only by employees of the Licensee?
    If so, Limited license is appropriate
  • Is the solution available to external employees? Are you a partner planning to offer a hosted service or an organization planning to offer a web-based solution that you want to make available to people outside your own network?
    If so, Premium license is recommended
  • Do you need a server for Development, Testing and Staging?
    If so, the Development license is recommended.

For more details, including pricing, see the Licensing Information section below.

Licensing InDesign Server

InDesign Server is sold as an annual term license and includes all updates during the term and installation support. Licensing is per server and there is no limit to the number of users, but different models are required for internal and external audiences. License types are described below.


Cost associated

Premium license
For use with automated publishing solutions made accessible to customers or users other than the Licensee’s employees via the Internet in addition to rights to use corporate wide within an intranet. There is no limit on the number of users for this license. Partners or end users are permitted to use the Premium license model in hosted or SaaS based offerings, but InDesign Server must be an integrated component of a solution, not as a standalone service.

$13,500 per year

€13,500 per year

¥1,353,000 per year

Limited license
For use with automated solutions that are made accessible only within a company’s internal network only, limited to employees of Licensee.

$5,000 per year

€5,000 per year

¥491,700 per year

Development License
For testing or staging InDesign Server solutions, not for Production use. Produces same output as a Production license.

$2,100 per year

€2,100 per year

¥254,100 per year

Trial license
Enterprise Customers can request a Trial version by contacting their Account Executive.

Licensing FAQ