Create and share vivid themes with Color by Adobe

Adobe Color

Create color themes

Color lets you create and edit themes with up to ten colors or extract themes from images that inspire you.

Explore community offerings

Find amazing themes from the Adobe Color community, Adobe Stock images, and Behance projects.

Browse trend galleries curated by Adobe Stock and the Behance community to see what your peers are creating.

Convert with ease

Convert themes into RGB, LAB, CMYK, HSV, and Pantone colors without losing brightness or color accuracy. Download or copy themes in formats that are easy to place in UX designs and prototypes, like CSS, XML, and LESS.

Color harmony mode

Create color themes with rules based on color theory. Great for getting started or quick inspiration.

Get help from Adobe Sensei

Adobe Color is powered by Adobe Sensei AI technology, which works behind the scenes to find the perfect color combinations for your projects.

Sharpen your skills and learn new techniques with our free tutorials. Learn more

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Adobe Illustrator Draw

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Vector drawing anywhere.