green band
Chat Plus thumbnail

Languages: English

Price: Free

Author: Alistair Lee


Chat Plus

Add a little more color to your Adobe Connect sessions with Chat Plus. It enables attendees to vote up other messages, hides surnames or allows completely anonymous messages, supports GIF and AI requests, provides for a detailed export, and much more.


  • Enable Up Votes so participants can add their vote to any message
  • Hide names for anonymous chat; great for sensitive topics
  • Automatically assigns a color to each participant (turned off for anonymous chat)
  • Features an embedded emoji picker to add emoji to your messages
  • Giphy Chat Agent: Use @gif to add a GIF as a message
  • AI Chat Agent: Use @ai to ask an AI Chatbot any question (Hosts & Presenters only)
  • Hosts can remove individual messages
  • Use chat sounds and or timestamps for messages
  • Pause and unpause the chat
  • Optionally hide the Chat Plus pod in Adobe Connect recordings
  • Export a detailed CSV of the chat history.