Adobe Sub-Processors

Third Party Sub-processors for Cloud Services

Third Party Sub-processors providing Storage and Infrastructure for Cloud Services

Third Party Sub-processors providing Security for Cloud Services

Third Party Sub-processors providing Product Functionality and User Experience for Cloud Services

Third Party Sub-processors providing Customer Support for Cloud Services

Adobe Affiliates

The following Adobe affiliates support Adobe’s provision of Cloud Services by providing technical and support services.

Sub-Processor Frequently Asked Questions

Update History

2024 December
Redrafted and rebuilt list to add further product description information and more detailed breakdowns of associated Adobe products in scope for their respective third party sub-processors. Addition of new sub-processors supporting infrastructure and removal and consolidation of other sub-processors no longer relevant.
2024 April
Added updates on entity names (e.g. when company changes name) and processing locations along with further information added to descriptions of services provided.
2023 December
Added further details and updates on entity names (e.g. when company changes name) and processing locations along with further information on the processing in scope and services provided.
2023 September
Added further details to specific processing locations along with further refinement of information in descriptions of services provided.
2023 March
Added further details on entity names (e.g. when company changes name) and further information in descriptions of services provided.
2022 December
Addition of new infrastructure and customer support sub-processors along with new sub-processors supporting Workfront and Marketo. Removal of sub-processor that assisted with depreciated Marketo and Frame features. Added more details on entity names and locations.
2022 June
Addition of new security and customer support sub-processors along with new sub-processors supporting Creative cloud, AEM, Magento and Frame. Removal of hosting provider and email distributor as no longer in scope. Added more details on entity names and locations.
2021 September
Launch of public list on (previously made available to customers through contracts and Trust Center).