
5 min

Make HDR images

Learn how to combine multiple exposures to create a high dynamic range image.

Wyświetl samouczek w: Photoshop
Wykonaj w aplikacji
  1. Select multiple shots of the same subject taken using different exposures in Adobe Lightroom Classic.

  2. In Develop mode, select Enable Profile Corrections and Remove Chromatic Aberrations.

  3. Return to Library mode, right-click the selected images, and choose Edit In > Merge to HDR Pro in Photoshop.

  4. In the dialog box, select 32 bit Mode and enable the Remove Ghosts option.

  5. Click OK to add the 32 bit HDR file to Lightroom Classic.


Curt Fukuda

25 maja 2023

Wypróbuj te samouczki w programie Photoshop

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