Add drama with Sky Replacement in Photoshop.
Sunny, starry, or stormy — with the Sky Replacement tool, you can quickly swap out the sky in your shot for the one you want and make all your horizons memorable.
Sunny, starry, or stormy — with the Sky Replacement tool, you can quickly swap out the sky in your shot for the one you want and make all your horizons memorable.
Photoshop offers a collection of skies organized in three categories: Blue Skies, Spectacular, and Sunset. You can try one of these or download free sky presets — including tornadoes, fireworks, and stars — from professional photographers.
Open any image with a so-so sky and choose Edit > Sky Replacement to view a gallery of skies. Simply select one you like and click OK to see how it looks.
Adobe Sensei is an intelligent technology that detects the original sky and replaces it with the new one, then automatically adjusts the lighting and shadows to match the scene. Changes are fully editable. You can fine-tune your look in the Layers panel.
Take pictures of skies while you’re out and about and import them using Sky Replacement to add drama and interest to different scenes.