
3 min

Multicolor Eyedrop in Adobe Fresco

Select multiple colors by using the Eyedropper tool in combination with the Touch Shortcut. Then choose any of Fresco’s Pixel or Watercolor brushes to paint using the multicolor swatch.

What you learned: Use the Eyedropper tool to select multiple colors from artwork

Create a multicolor swatch

Any area of the canvas can be sampled to create a multicolor swatch. First, ensure that your canvas contains a mix of multiple colors close enough together to simultaneously eyedrop. Zoom in to ensure easy control of the size of the area you’d like to sample, and choose any default Pixel brush (the Sketching and Marker brushes will not work with this feature) or Watercolor brush. Next, tap on the Eyedropper tool in the toolbar or tap-and-hold anywhere on the canvas with your finger to launch it. Press the Touch shortcut to activate it (or double-tap it to lock it in the active state). Move the Eyedropper tool around until you see a multicolor swatch. Then just tap the Pixel brush icon and start painting.

Access the swatch any time

Multicolor swatches become a part of a canvas’s Recents so they can be loaded onto other brushes at any time. Experiment with different Pixel brushes (like Spatter 1 or Spatter 2 in FX or Halftone in Comics) to explore the possibilities.

Change the hue, saturation, and brightness of any swatch

With a multicolor swatch selected, launch the Color panel and tap HSB Sliders. Play around with the settings to experiment with dramatic color changes of the swatch as Hue, Saturation, and Brightness values are adjusted. A new swatch with those HSB changes will be saved to Recents as soon as a stroke has been brushed on the canvas.

Create custom brushstrokes on the fly

Sample a multicolored pattern on the canvas and choose the Hard Round brush in Pixel Basic. Draw a stroke for an instant brush stamp pattern. The possibilities are endless as Spacing and Shape dynamics are adjusted in the Brush settings panel. Next try a Watercolor brush to see the impact of this effect on wet media.

December 28, 2022