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How to edit a photo in Photoshop.

Import image to begin editing photos in Photoshop

1. Import images and get started.

The first step to editing a photo is importing it into Photoshop. To do so, simply use the Open command in the menu and select your image file.

2. Straighten your image.

Before you do anything else, make sure your photo isn’t crooked. If your image is slightly off kilter or has a crooked horizon, use the Straightening tool to level things out. Simply draw a line across the photo and the image will automatically straighten to match the line you’ve drawn.

Edit crooked photos in Photoshop

4. Duplicate your image and make layers.

After you import an image, it can be helpful to duplicate it. Go to Image › Duplicate in the menu to make multiple copies of it. Each duplicate can serve as the basis for an individual layer. Working with layers is a crucial part of the Photoshop photo editing workflow.

Use layers to edit photos in Photoshop

Transform images with painting tools and colour adjustments.

Photoshop includes countless ways to transform an image. Tools and adjustments are how you make those transformations happen.

Editing photos in Photoshop is a world of possibilities.

Digital image editing is a vast toolbox and these Photoshop tips are just the beginning. The industry’s leading photo editing software syncs seamlessly with other Creative Cloud apps like Lightroom, InDesign and Premiere Pro. The images you transform in Photoshop can also become graphic design elements, stills in a video project or even parts of animations. Your images, your art and your creations can be anything you imagine.

Dig deeper into colour and background edits.

Go a little further than basic editing techniques with these Photoshop tutorials.

An image of a hand holding balloons. The colours in half of the image are more intense than in the other half.

Play with the hues in a photo.

Make your photo look more professional with colour editing techniques that alter the intensity of certain tones.

A photo of a person. The person has been selected using the Quick Selection tool.

Change the setting of an image.

Separate people and objects from a background with the Quick Selection tool and put them in a whole different spot.

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