Popular features:
Adobe Acrobat Sign
Safe, flexible online signatures.
Get Microsoft documents, PDFs and other files signed quickly with digital or electronic signatures through Acrobat Sign. Just upload your documents to Acrobat Sign and recipients can sign them without hassle.
Online signatures are changing the way we work.

Get signatures fast.
Send a signature request by entering the signers’ email addresses in the order you want them to sign. Insert signature fields where needed to collect signatures and other information online. Hit “Send.” It’s that easy.

Legal signatures you can trust.
With Acrobat Sign, you know that you are receiving a signed document that’s just as legally binding as a paper document with a handwritten signature. Our electronic signatures meet the most demanding requirements and comply with laws around the world for gathering a signature online.

Simple to sign and send.
Acrobat Sign makes it easier than ever to sign any document or PDF online, from any device or browser. Recipients simply click a link, then drag and drop a free online signature onto the document. No downloads or account signups needed.

All set with notifications and reminders.
Get notified as soon as a document is viewed or signed. Send reminders to keep things moving. Each step of the process is tracked and recorded in Acrobat Sign’s user-friendly interface for a fully visible audit trail.
Understand the types of e-signatures.
There are two kinds of online signatures.
There are many similarities, but these are the differences.

Electronic signatures.
Electronic signatures are fast, simple and accepted for almost all types of agreements. Signing documents is as simple as a click or tap.

Digital signatures.
Digital signatures bring increased signer identity authentication and signature encryption. You’ll find them in highly-regulated industries and regions.
The e-signature tool that works across industries and in every department.

Free your reps from administrative tasks and give them more time to sell.

Human Resources
Transform current HCM investments into all-digital HR experiences.

Get the right goods at the right time with smart digital workflows.

Give employees self-service access to preapproved legal documents.
You may just need Fill & Sign.
Sometimes it’s not an official electronic or digital signature that you need. It’s merely filling in a simple digital form and signing. Check out the Fill & Sign tool in Adobe Acrobat.