
Quickly experiment with color using Generative Recolor.

Whether you’re creating product packaging, posters, or artwork, Generative Recolor can help you view color variants of your vector artwork faster. Type a text prompt like “strawberry fields,” “faded emerald,” or “terracotta desert” and see custom color schemes in seconds.

More inspiration, less work.

Explore a variety of colors, palettes, and themes on your artwork without manual recoloring. See how other color options look in seconds instead of hours.

Endless exploration.

Change colors again and again without losing your original. Try as many Generative Recolor experiments as you want before easily returning to your first version.

Unique versions for every venue.

Generate different color combinations of any piece so the same design or art looks fresh everywhere you use it from social media to print and online.

Do you in any hue.

It’s your vision and your art. Generative Recolor just helps you bring it to life faster. Experiment and explore with speed so you can create even more.

Learn more about Adobe Illustrator and Firefly.

Discover all you can do with Illustrator.

Create vector artwork, logos, packaging designs, web graphics, and much more.

Learn more about Illustrator

Try Firefly on the web.

Explore generative AI right in your browser with Text to Image and Generative Fill models.

Explore Firefly

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