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Company | Level | City | Country | Phone | Specialization | |
{{ acc.Name}} | {{acc.Level__c === 'Gold Certified' ? 'Gold' : acc.Level__c === 'Platinum Certified' ? 'Platinum' : acc.Level__c}} {{acc.Level__c == 'Distributor' ? '' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c == NULL ? 'Reseller' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c}} | {{ acc.BillingCity}} | {{ acc.BillingCountry}} | {{ acc.Phone}} | {{ acc.Specialisation__c}} | Worldwide |
{{ acc.Specialisation__c}}
Contact Us @: {{acc.Company_Email__c}}.
Visit us at: {{acc.Website}}
{{acc.Level__c === 'Gold Certified' ? 'Gold' : acc.Level__c === 'Platinum Certified' ? 'Platinum' : acc.Level__c}} {{acc.Level__c == 'Distributor' ? '' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c == NULL ? 'Reseller' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c}}
{{ acc.Name}}
{{acc.Level__c === 'Gold Certified' ? 'Gold' : acc.Level__c === 'Platinum Certified' ? 'Platinum' : acc.Level__c}} {{acc.Level__c == 'Distributor' ? '' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c == NULL ? 'Reseller' : acc.Partner_Program_Type__c}}
Contact Us @: {{acc.Company_Email__c}}.
Visit us at:
Phone : {{acc.Phone}}