Project Hi-Fi

[Kelsey Slay] Do you want to see Sneak number five.

Yes, I can feel you, do you want to see Sneak number five? [Awkwafina] Yes, I'm ready for Sneak number five. [Kelsey Slay] We have this big screen down here with the announcement of the Sneak, do you want to announce it? [Awkwafina] Yes. Let's give it up for Veronica Peitong Chen with Project Hi-Fi. [Kelsey Slay] Veronica.

What's up? [Veronica Peitong Chen] Guess what? We are halfway there. Recently, I'm working on the interior design project for a hotel client, and they sent me this image. Normally, I would take an image like this and do a lot of compositings in Photoshop. However, I want to be able to experiment with many ideas quickly and create beautiful visuals for the client. This is where Project Hi-Fi comes in. It is a Photoshop plug in that can quickly transform mockups and sketches into something high-fidelity and polished. Let's say I want to suggest adding windows to the room to really show off the beautiful ocean scene next to the hotel. So with a simple prompt, bright pink empty living room with large windows, it reads the composition and uses the power of Adobe Firefly to create this captivating rendition of the design.

I can give more specifications to the window by adding two shapes in my Photoshop layer, and as you can see, it generates in almost real-time. And unlike traditional generation, I now have complete control over every aspect of the composition. Stunning, right? Now let's take a look at how responsive it is using a second document. So suppose I want to suggest adding a plant to the room, that's native to the area. And in this document, I can just roughly paint within Photoshop to create my very own plant. So I can add a leaf on the top, maybe on the bottom. As you can see, I'm no Picasso, but hanging in there. And we can add in something in the middle just to give a little bit of something, something. And this is so nice because I can just paint with, say, color grey and the technology can figure it out for me. Using the slider, I can... Thank you.

Using the slider, I can also control how closely I want it to adhere to my content. So I'll turn it lower. It will take more liberty in the generation process. And let's give it a try. There you go. And turn it higher, it will look more similar to my ugly joy.

Awesome. Now that we have this plant, we can send it directly into our previous file. Let's go back over here and check out this Share button. In this Share button we can either export image or send it directly to Photoshop. As I'm about to click on this button, you do not want to blink your eyes because boom it's already in my Layers stack. How quick is that? Let's get it going. And we can use the Context Bar to quickly remove the background, and we can change the size, we can move it around maybe to the corner of the room. Let's give it a second and voila! We now magically transplanted our drawing into the room.

Project Hi-Fi can also work with your favorite Adobe apps. So using Illustrator, I created this couch and check it out. I can easily change the input source to a specific screen region and use the handle to capture the area. So let's give it a go, press Done. Maybe we can give it a new prompt, a bright orange couch with colorful cushions. And I know, don't judge me, there're never too many cushions on my couch. Let's give it a try. And just with simple vectors, we now have this couch rendered beautifully.

Now that we have this, we can go through the same process by sending the image back to our previous document. But just to save some time, I already have this prepared over here, so we can quickly change our input source back to Photoshop. Maybe rearrange the order a little bit, turning it on. let's give it a prompt. It's a bunch of things that we need to do, but hey, it's a live demo.

And boom, I'm loving this. And I got to say, the couch is starting to serve some main character energy over here. And if we're not happy with our placement, we can always change it. So you don't have to worry about the lighting. You don't have to worry about the shadow. You don't even have to worry about the adjustment. It will just figure it out for you. How cool is that? I got to say this, it's starting to looking very demure, very mindful, and we can add more things in, like this image cut out. It can be 3D objects as well, like this coffee table. And honestly, it can just be simple shapes. They all tie everything together.

Some of you might want to ask me, Veronica, you're standing over here instead of the actual podium. What's going on? Because we have one more thing to show you. So let's say instead of making composites, I feel more comfortable doing sketches. So Project Hi-Fi not only works with your digital design, it works with your camera feed as well. So here I have a sketch with me and let me quickly switch the input source to camera. And Awkwafina and Kelsey, why don't you guys come over and give it a try? - [Kelsey Slay] You want to try Awkwafina? - [Awkwafina] Yes. [Kelsey Slay] Yes, let's go try it, we get to try it. [Awkwafina] We're going to get sucked into a virtual universal. [Kelsey Slay] After you. [Awkwafina] This is cool. Veronica, nice to meet you. [Veronica Peitong Chen] So over here we have this sketch of an empty living room. We also prepared a bunch of fun furniture cutouts for you to steal freely and rearrange to create your very own living room. [Awkwafina] You can rearrange it on that? [Veronica Peitong Chen] Yes. So we have couch, we have plants, we have Ottoman. But some of the people in the backstage, they thought it's a pumpkin, but I don't know. [Awkwafina] Which one, this is... Yes, that looks like a tomato. That's cool. You want? Should we do it? [Kelsey Slay] Yes. - [Awkwafina] This is so fun. - [Kelsey Slay] You can do it. You got it? [Awkwafina] Yes, this is a very dangerous. This app is going to be very dangerous for my living room because I'm going to constantly be doing this. Well, the smaller couch here, does that make spatial sense.

But wait.

I like what you did, the fiddle thing. I don't know what I'm doing. Here we go. Do people keep all the plants? [Veronica Peitong Chen] Yes, closer to the couch and then we can see it. Here you go. [Kelsey Slay] You got it. [Awkwafina] People keep their plants all in the same area, right? [Veronica Peitong Chen] What I'm seeing right now is Akwafina is placing every single element we prepared for her and trying to fit it within one room. [Awkwafina] Yes. I don't have spatial reasoning. So I'm going to show up with that. That's cool, it looks like CBD or something.

I'm having so much fun with that actually. What are these? These are... [Veronica Peitong Chen] What do you think it is? [Awkwafina] It's like a lamp, right? [Veronica Peitong Chen] Perfect. Many people didn't get it, and many people thought it's a lollipop.

[Awkwafina] I'll put the table there. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Oh my God. [Awkwafina] I just want to see what it does. [Veronica Peitong Chen] It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. [Awkwafina] What, did you think it was going to be worse? What's going on with the plants, by the way? [Veronica Peitong Chen] Generate, let's give it a try. [Kelsey Slay] I can't wait to see it. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Let's say you...

[Awkwafina] That's fire. The table's up there. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Exactly. It's fitting there. And Awkwafina, I want to say let's say you want to stylize it a little bit differently. Like maybe we can do Bohemian, we can do industrial. And it's October we can also do a spooky Halloween. [Awkwafina] You would remodel your entire living room for a Halloween theme. That's really cool. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Let's give it a try. [Kelsey Slay] Spooky Halloween. [Awkwafina] That's so cool. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Spooky Halloween. This might be very spooky, but there you go.

[Awkwafina] Again, the plants look haunted like that, but that is so cool. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Thank you. [Awkwafina] Thank you, Veronica, that was awesome. [Veronica Peitong Chen] Thank you. [Kelsey Slay] Let's head back, you want to head back? [Awkwafina] Yes, let's head back. Thank you, that was really cool. [Veronica Peitong Chen] So as you can see, it truly simplifies my workflow. And my client is very happy with this high-fidelity result. And all the possibilities based on my own idea. And this is Project Hi-Fi. Thank you.

[Kelsey Slay] That was amazing. I love your new living room. [Awkwafina] It looks like it was like, that was really cool. I'm sorry about the placement of the lights. and the plants looked like they were haunted. [Kelsey Slay] You should be an interior designer.


Project Hi-Fi - GS3-5

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Makes possible real-time high-fidelity visualization from low-fidelity input using generative AI. Any part of the screen and even live video can be captured and used as a guide for fast image generation.

Technical Level: General Audience

Category: Inspiration

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